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The default Top Items report in Store Operations displays a separate line item for each sale. Is there a way to combine the same items and sort the results by sales or profit?

You can group by Item Lookup Code to summarize the sales for each item by clicking on the Grouping icon in the toolbar and selecting "Group by 1st column". However, this won't allow you to sort by Sales versus Profit. You would need to create two separate versions of the report to do that.

A custom version of the Top Items Report is attached below. This report sums the sales for each item and can be sorted by Sales or Profit on-the-fly.

Download and save the attached file into the folder Program Files, Microsoft Retail Mananagement System, Store Operations, Reports. Exit Manager if already running, then re-enter and select Reports, Custom, Top Items Report.

NOTE: If you having problems downloading the file to the correct folder, right-click on the link below and select Save as.

This report can be grouped by dept/category if desired by dragging Dept and Category to the left, then select the Grouping option (1 or 2 columns).

TIP: To save a memorized version of a report, click on the Diskette icon in the toolbar.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Dave J

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