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Tool ID already exists

If you are receiving the error "Tool ID already exists" in Store Ops or HQ Manager after installing RMS Toolkit, Bicycle Bundle, Hobby Bundle, or DRS Reports/Templates, it means you already have a report on file with a near identical name. We have tried to keep our report names meaningful so other custom reports you have created or collected could cause this error.

To resolve this issue:

  1. Run My Computer and locate the folder called Program Files, Microsoft Retail Management System, Store Operations, Reports (or Headquarters, Reports if error is with HQ Manager).

  2. Sort the Reports folder by file name and look for a report with near identical spelling. The problem report likely starts with "Custom -". The difference may be upper versus lowercase letters or an extra space in the report name.

  3. Delete the near identical report or rename it. If renaming the report file does not resolve issue, edit the file in Notepad and change the internal title for the report, then save changes. If editing is blocked to the Program Files folder, move the report to the desktop, edit there, then move back, or right-click on Notepad, Run as Administrator, then locate and edit the report.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Dave J

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