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Database version mismatch; example: 2.05 while this application requres 2.01.

This message indicates the version of RMS installed is not the same version running on other PCs, notably the database server.
See Store Operations Manager, Help, About to verify version installed. This version must match the same version running on all other PCs where RMS is installed (POS or Manager). Example: 2.0.1002.

If version mismatch, you must locate the correct series of service packs and hot fixes to match. If you cannot locate the files, you can request assistance from DRS Help Desk. There are many steps involved to correctly install RMS on a new PC including SQL Server updates and settings. If a POS lane, you also need the correct OPOS driver for your receipt printer, pole display, etc.

Please note pay per incident (PPI) charges apply for system install services.

Note: If DRS Help Desk personnel installed or upgraded your system, check for a MRMStransfer folder on your database server (normally on C: root or under Users/Public folder). MRMStransfer is where we download import installers and any supporting files required to run RMS.

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  1. Dave J

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