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How can I disable Taskpad in Store Operations Manager or HeadQuarters Manager?

There is not a way to turn the Taskpad off so it will not display by default. However, methods do exist to disable the functions of the taskpad:

1. Rename or delete the Taskpad folder found in the root of the Store Operations directory (C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Retail Management Systems\\Store Operations by default). This will cause the Taskpad to open up a blank window with the Internet Explorer "The page cannot be displayed" error, and may be undesirable.

2. Rename the Taskpad.htm file found in the root of the Taskpad folder, and replace it with the following file TaskpadBlank.htm for Store Operations, TaskpadBlankHQ.htm for HQ). These files were edited to remove the icons on the main page, making the functions of the Taskpad useless, yet retaining a background on the page. If choosing this option, save the file and rename it Taskpad.htm after renaming the original. Make a backup copy of this file, as any subsequent install/re-install of Store Operations or HQ will overwrite it.

3. Make your own version of the Taskpad.htm file by creating an HTML file that contains valuable information for your business. Examples may include:
-Contact information for Technical Support

-Your company logo and business name
-HTML calendars of upcoming company events, sales, meetings, etc.

Any HTML editor will work to make changes to this file. Once finished, ensure the name of the file is Taskpad.htm, and place it in the Taskpad folder.

Note - The Taskpad is a read-only pane and cannot be used to navigate to other websites.

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