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How can I cancel a work order, layaway or back order in progress?

To cancel a work order, layaway, or back order in progress, you have two options.

Option A:
1) Recall the transaction (F11) (or view/recall using SO Tracker in POS)
2) Change the quantity ordered to zero
3) Tender the transaction (F12)
4) Save changes
5) Decide whether to keep a portion of the deposit (default 0.00 = retained)
5) Return any deposit due as a refund*

Use Option A if you want to retain a record of cancelled sales orders when running reports in Manager.

Option B:
As above but cursor to the Item Lookup Code and press the Spacebar or Delete key to remove the item from the order.
Use this option if you have no need to retain a record for reporting purposes.

*If you want to apply the refund as a credit on account, refund to Cash then assign the customer account to the next sale, press Shift-F4 Payment and apply a payment in the same amount, tendered as Cash.

Note: The changes are recorded in the journal regardless of which option you choose.

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  1. Dave J

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