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Knowledgebase is now public

Our complete knowledgebase (KB) is now open to all visitors. You do not need to login to gain access to any sections.

Please note some articles are old that may no longer apply or include links that may no longer work. We have enabled comments so you can assist us with clean-up or clarifying content where required.  If you locate an article with missing content or attachments, a bad link, or you find a typo, please post a comment at the bottom of the article for follow-up by our support team. Articles are provided AS IS without warranty. 

Some articles originate from an internal folder previously accessed only by our support operators. We have moved all content to the public self-service folder. If you do not have experience running SQL scripts or familiarity with other advanced procedures mentioned, you should not attempt them without requesting assistance. If you aren't sure about what you are about to do, don't do it!   

Please note requests for assistance or clarification of KB article content is considered a request for support. Charges may apply based on your support plan status. 

Searching the self-service KB is free to all visitors. Unfortunately, we cannot offer everything for free.   Our intent is to provide RMS users with the DIY information they need to continue running the software for as long as they wish to do so. Assistance is available on a PPI (pay per incident) basis at our hourly rates.

If you don't find what you are looking for, please start a conversation describing your issue. We also use conversations (tickets) to help build new knowledge base articles.
If an article resolves your issue, please let us know by clicking "This article was helpful" at the bottom.  If the article did not meet your needs, please post a comment explaining why. Your feedback helps us to build a better knowledgebase for you and other users.

Thanks for your assistance!

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  1. Dave J

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
