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What report data should I post to my accounting program (QuickBooks)?

Your accounting data originates from:

Register Z reports (closed batches) --> Register Analysis report (Manager | Utilities | Crystal Reports (summarized batches) ---> Accounting Batches (Manager | Journal | Post Closed Batches)

To view the type of accounting data you can export from Store Operations see Manager | Journal | Assign GL Accounts. This table should match your GL account codes from QuickBooks so closed batch data can be exported to a QuickBooks file for import directly into QuickBooks. Or you can select the text-based file option to create a 'report' you can read in Excel. (If the Assign GL Accounts is grayed out in Journal see below.)

You will need to coordinate your chart of accounts in QuickBooks with the GL Accounts listed. Please consult with your accountant to ensure this is set up properly. This means redefining your chart of accounts in QuickBooks to match the GL account types listed in Store Ops.

There are two types of accounting interfaces available for QuickBooks.
Type 1 as described above is activated by entering 'QuickBooks File' under Manager | File | Configuration | Accounting.
Type 2 is a two-way XML integration activating by selecting the 'QuickBooks 2003' option.
We recommend Type 1 until you have dialed in your export routine and are confident of the results. You can proceed in stages to ensure the accuracy of posting closed batches.

Type 1: Export to text file for review/edit in Excel; manually post data to QuickBooks
Type 1: Export to IIF file; import into QuickBooks (see QuickBooks instructions)
Type 2: Direct XML posting of closed batches into QuickBooks 2003 or above. (not recommended or supported by DRS)

All data transfers between your POS and accounting software should be setup and reviewed with the assistance of your accountant. Once completed your EOD routine should be focused on balancing your drawers which in turn ensure the accuracy of your accounting data and posting of closed batches.

For further information on accounting with Store Operations press F1 Help and search for "quickbooks". There are several updated documents pertaining to the QuickBooks interface for RMS.

IMPORTANT: DRS does not provide support for accounting issues other than the base instructions included with the reference manual and the GL Account Setup document listed under Manager, Utilities, Add-ins. The standard End-of-Day report can be used to post your GL entries to any accounting package. Quickbooks or other accounting interface assistance is available from Blue Chip Consulting. If you will be utilizing the accounting interface, we first suggest you work with your accountant to synchronize your chart of account entries with RMS. We also suggest you start with EOD reports first, then test the export/import option (IIF), and can try enabling the XML link if your accounting package supports this (QB Pro 2003 or higher) but only the IIF method is supported by DRS. Only your accountant can confirm whether you have set this up correctly.

Notes: If you use Gift Cards and other forms of vouchers, we suggest you assign them to a dept called Gift Cards. This will separate out these transactions on your GL entries. Otherwise, they will be treated as sales and reported as revenue. Instead, they should be booked as a deposit/liability account while the tender type called Gift Cards are redeemed against that account. Update: RMS 2.0.0150 separates vouchers into a voucher/deposit and voucher/redemption entries on the Z report (no need to assign to a Gift Card dept and deduct from revenue reporting).

You will need to book EOM ending inventory value separately. Inventory value can be posted as a net change or standing value, depending how your accounting system is setup. Also note that the inventory valuation report will consider backordered stock as a deduction against current values. If you wish to avoid this reduction set a filter option to exclude QOH<0.

You should also take advantage of the Physical Inventory module listed under Manager | Inventory to count selected inventories throughout the year. We suggest once a month by selected depts, categories, or suppliers, etc. Focus on product classes that are most likely to need periodic adjustments. To expedite this process, view handheld solutions for taking inventories as posted elsewhere on our knowledgebase.

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